News: Video Game Releases

This is where we put out some info about the games we think are going to be somewhere between decent and awesome that release today or later this week.  Typically we skip over the heavy hitters.  Sorry Call of Duty, but 8 million people usually already know about your release date.

Fire Emblem Awakening – 3DS

Buy on Amazon

Developed by Intelligent Systems (Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, Paper Mario) and published by Nintendo.  Fire Emblem first came out back in the NES days and can safely claim that it was one of the first tactics style games ever (tactics as in FF Tactics, Tactics Ogre, Shining Force, Disgaea, etc).  Fire Emblem’s characters can permanently die and form friendships with each other.  In the past games only one class change would occur but not so in Awakening.  This the first Fire Emblem game to my knowledge to include an option for your characters not to permanently die.  Note that there are manufacturing delays for this title, hence the inflated price on Amazon.


Turn 3 – Alan Wake and the DragonAge Expansions

Direct Download

Featuring John “MusiM” Beauchamp, Scott Coward, and Justyn.

Music: Intro – Untitled by MusiM; Outro – Indignant by MusiM

Scott Coward hosts with subjects including but not limited to Alan Wake, DragonAge: Origins: Awakening, DragonAge: Origins: Darkspawn Chronicles, Turok, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, Crackdown, Dark Void, and Dead Rising.

Remember, we’re a biweekly podcast! We won’t always have something to post every week so enjoy it while it lasts!

A couple quick technical notes, we still don’t have our recording technique quite down and Justin is a bit hard to hear. Please bear with us as we get everything worked out!


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