Turn 103 – What a Shame he’s not a Whole Guy


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Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/carouselpodcast

Featuring John MusiM, Scott “Artisan002”, and Stretch.

Music by MusiM.  Buy the music at musim.bandcamp.com

Its been a while and I might not have done that much editing but we’re back!  This turn we discuss Remember Me, Borderlands 2, Assassin’s Creed 2, Infamous, Dragonage Origins, The Stanley Parable, Hawkeye, X-Men, Continuum, and Agents of Shield.

90 – You go to see a movie about a Jedi and find out its an infection


Direct Download

Featuring John “MusiM”, Scott “Artisann002”, and Suzy “Meh”.

Music by MusiM.  Buy the music at musim.bandcamp.com

This we barely open our eyes from our sleepy state to discuss Avengers Arena, New X-Men, Drax Earthfall, The Hobbit, Merlin, Sleeping Dogs, X Com Enemy Unknown, Blackwell Chronicles, Bard’s Tale, FTL, Red Orchestra, and Space Team.

Also visit Suzy’s new website at http://spectervision.wix.com/spectervision

Turn 83 – Knobs is a Great Mistress

Direct Download

Featuring John “Knobs” Knoblach, John “MusiM”, Scott “Artisan002”, and Suzy “Specter”.

Music by MusiM.  Buy the music at musim.bandcamp.com

Our intended topics are Expendables 2, Dark Knight Rises, Vampire Diaries, Assassin’s Creed Revelations, Transformers Fall of Cybertron, Dust An Elysian Tail, Super Monday Night Combat, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3, Uncharted, X-Men,  Be sure and email us for the next show at [email protected]!

Turn 44 – Scott Pilgrim vs the CaManga

Direct Download

Featuring John “MusiM”, Suzy “Specter”, John “Knobs” (That Video Game Podcast), and Maki (Bad Movie Fiends, No Quarters, We Got This Covered).

Music: Untitled tracks by MusiM

Scott Pilgrim versus the World the movie versus Scott Pilgrim the CaManga!  We spoil everything about the series here so you have been warned!  And as always we manage to derail quite bit, so enjoy!

Turn 30 – Droppin’ Bombs

Direct Download

Featuring MusiM and Knobs.

Music: Untitled tracks by MusiM

This week we discuss comics and related news including Berserk, Gantz, Invincible, The Thanos Imperative, Ultimate Spiderman, Ultimate Avengers 3, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8, Spike, The Haunt, Nova, Guardians of the Galaxy, War of Kings, and many sidenotes and derails.


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