Turn 40 – Comic Movie News

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Featuring John “MusiM” Beauchamp and Scott “Artisan002”.

Music: Untitled tracks by MusiM

This week we start our first entirely news and speculation based podcast!  We will endeavor to bring these out about once a month, sometimes as extra podcasts.  So somehow Scott and I manage to talk for 3 hours on this one which was a complete accident!  While we intended on talking about video game news as well that would have been another hour so we didn’t.

Movie/TV news and speculation includes The Avengers, Superman, The Dark Knight Rises, Green Lantern, Thor, Captain America, Firefly, Wonder Woman, Smallville, Iron Man 3, The Amazing Spiderman, X-Men First Class, DragonAge Redemption, The Wolverine, and many others.  Comic news discussion includes the Fantastic Four and many others.  Non-news topics include Batman Under the Red Hood, Superman and Shazam the Return of Black Atom,Final Crisis, and lots more!

Turn 22 – Siren Song of the Cougar

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Featuring John “MusiM” Beauchamp and John “Knobs” Knoblach.

Music: Intro – Untitled by MusiM

Its about comics this week where we discuss WWF, Nova, Annihilation: Conquest,  The Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Gauntlet, Gantz, Buffy Season 8, Berserk, Invincible, Red, Superman, Zack Synder, and The Watchmen among many others.

NOTE: Unfortunately the recorded audio files didn’t line up so I had to hand adjust the audio periodically.  Hopefully its entirely fixed but if it is not please let us know and I will do my best to fix it as soon as possible.  – John


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