04/27/2017 – Persona 6: Musim All Night

Musim Got Hot.PNG

Direct Download

Featuring John “MusiM”, & Jake

Music by MusiM.  Buy it at musim.bandcamp.com

This episode we discuss:  More Borderlands, Underwater Claustrophobia, the White Wolf game that’s not a White Wolf game, slow boats, font adventures, Isometric Tomb Raiding, “free” Star Wars games, An intriguing new release, a not-so intriguing re-release, space sequels, high-concept graphic novels, recent Netflix comedy specials, the obscene size of the Prey demo, Switch sales, DC Streamin, Guys blowing up cars, a slightly disappointing rougelite, the dark caverns of John’s heart, and every Alien movie ever made.  We wrap it up by answering a listener question about where to go after Dark Souls.

Here’s the boss animation from Flinthook that Jake was referencing (It’s in the first 10 seconds – don’t panic that it’s a 6 minute video):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26HHmcKmXNk

Find us @CarouselPodcast or email us at [email protected] with questions, topics or comments!


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