Assassin’s Creed Revelations Review – PS3

In the wake of Assassin’s Creed 3, I finished Revelations.  Assassin’s Creed Revelations (ACR) is a game that really isn’t needed, void of personalty, but does have the occasional enjoyable sequence or good idea.  I realize when I write these things I need to take my audience into consideration so I’m expecting that you are familiar with the franchise as I will spoil some parts of the story of previous games.

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Videogame: Lollipop Chainsaw Review – 360, PS3

Wrapping up my thoughts on this game is extremely difficult so in the words of whatever movie White Zombie sampled, “perhaps you had better start from the beginning”.  Lollipop Chainsaw is a videogame and does not hide this fact.  It has the likes of James Gunn, Suda 51, Akira Yamaoka, and Jimmy Urine on its credits.  To describe Grasshopper (the developer) as a “punk rock” game developer may be appropriate but like many social stigmas, how in the hell do you define that?  Evidently with sparkles, zombies, and a chainsaw.

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Videogame Review: Deus Ex Human Revolution

Deus Ex Human Revolution

“It’s not the end of the world but you can see it from here”.


To define Deus Ex Human Revolution is to become its point.  The definition of the game is the player.  But everything has a background, a context.  Deus Ex Human Revolution’s context is in the not too distant future.  Corporations have driven the advent of replacement limbs, organs, brain enhancers, what have you.  But unregulated human augmentation never achieved perfect harmony with the body, causing the need for a drug stabilizer known as Neuropozyne.  Neuropozyne like many prescription drugs is addicting and many cannot afford it.  Protests and riots follow along with entire organized groups of individuals centering around the topic of trans-humanism.  These groups range from human purists to people so obsessed with trans-humanism they will literally rip the augmentations off  unsuspecting victims to enhance their own body.  Adam Jensen’s story takes place inside this fire.  The powder keg has already been lit.  The question becomes how will you traverse through the wreckage?

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Videogame Retro-Review: Star Ocean – PSP

Star Ocean – PSP

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Star Ocean originally released on the Super Famicom and was later updated and released on PSP.  The team that made Star Ocean is mostly made up of ex-Namco employees that had worked on Tales of Fantasia.  Star Ocean was the debut venture from Tri Ace.  For the record, I played through the PSP version.  Star Ocean’s schtick is a traditional JRPG with a player decided cast sprinkled with a little bit of time travel, fantasy, and sci fi.  Star Ocean does a lot of neat things despite it age but also subscibes to a lot of old tropes that are incredibly hard to put up with.

Star Ocean follows the tale of Roddick, who is from a race of humans with tails known as Roakians.  Basically his bud gets turned into stone and they have to go into the future for some Stone Cures–Oh wait my bad.  See you find the Stone Cure item about halfway through the game but you need a blood sample from a certain “demon” to make a cure.  Hi-jinks ensue.  The most refreshing part about Star Ocean’s story is how chipper everyone is.  Most of the party simply wants to join because they like Roddick, which is a refreshing pace from idealism, politics, and principles.

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Videogame Review: LA Noire 360, PS3

LA Noire is a bit of a conundrum to review so lets do that whole question writer bit.  Should everyone who can stand the sight of a mutilated cadaver play this game?  Absolutely!  Is this game ground breaking and a glimpse into the future?  It better be!  Should the fedora and derby hat come back?  Duh!  Are half the mechanics in this game completely broken?  Unfortunately, a very sad but astounding yes.  Do I still recommend this game after all this?  Yeah I hate it when people ask a question in their opening paragraph and don’t answer until the conclusion either.

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Videogame Review: Transformers (2004)

Time to Roll Out that PS2 and play us some Transformers. WARNING SPOILERS!!! Yes I will speak of things that if you have not played the game or watched the TV shows or also the movies.

You start out with a beautiful cutscene on Cybertron showing the epic battle between Autobots and Decepticon, Megatron vs. Prime. Then a beam lands between them with the location of the Mini-Cons on earth. And our story begins with these two factions racing to see who can reclaim the Mini-Cons first.

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